Although Michelle is 38 years old, she is still thinking on probably an 8 or 9 year old level. With Williams syndrome, she talks very intelligently. So it’s easy to miss her learning disability and not realize that she doesn’t always understand what she’s saying. However, one thing she’s adamant about is that she absolutely, positively does not want to have children.
Now Michelle has never been sexually active, but she desires to get married some day, so she thought she would take care of this now. And because of her developmental age, she doesn’t like having a period, so she asked the gynecologist to make her periods go away. So Dr. Alten set her up for surgery on February 13 to take care of female issues.
Surgery went quite well, but I had no idea how difficult the recovery would be. Michelle was in a lot of pain. Regardless, on Thursday, three days later, was the Sweetheart Dance. As usual, I took her. Needless to say, we left after only 40 minutes. Two days later (on Saturday evening) was a concert she’d been looking forward to. Her sister, Jamie, took her, despite her still recovering from the surgery.
She picked up Michelle at 5:30 p.m. They grabbed a bite to eat, then headed to Lori’s Roadhouse to see Easton Corbin. I called a friend and we prayed for Michelle right over the phone. Jamie had never heard Easton Corbin. She absolutely loved him. Michelle had a great time. Someone gave her a VIP ticket, allowing her and Jamie to get closer to the stage. Then the girls stayed after the concert for the meet and greet. They didn’t get home until about 12:30 a.m. Boy, was she sore on Sunday – but she was happy.
A week after her surgery, her stomach is still a little swollen and she’s still in pain, but she’s feeling better every day. Today was her post op appointment. The doctor said she’s looking real good.