“Let Your Light So Shine Before Men…”
Matthew 5:16 KJV
As a firm believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I find it important to bring my faith into everything I write. Because Jesus is a very real part of my day to day life, I can’t separate my love for God from my writing, my stories, and my books.
Another Day, Another Challenge; the Biography of a Child with Williams Syndrome
Another Day, Another Challenge is the biography of my daughter, Michelle, who was born with Williams syndrome. The older she got, the more difficult it was to care for her.
In addition, I faced insurmountable challenges with organizations and agencies that were designed to support her needs but actually did just the opposite.
Through it all, I learned to pray every day for wisdom, guidance, and direction from God Almighty. As a result, I still pray for those things today.
For more information, click here.
Skip’s Action Series
There were two things that helped me survive the turbulent years with my daughter.
The first was the Lord – time in his Word, consistency in my church attendance, and serving God through various church ministries.
The second was my writing. I loved fiction and I developed a character that I named Skip.
After a stressful day with Michelle, I’d sit down at the computer and lose myself in a world of make believe that I created. I wrote one novel-length story after another about Skip. I fell in love with him.
Then one day (probably around the mid-90’s), God spoke to my heart and said, “Marj, when are you going to get these published?”
Looking back, I realize that none of them were anywhere near ready for publication. But as I perfected my craft, a few years later, I tried and tried (but without success) to land a contract with a mainstream publisher.
However, today, I truly believe I am ready to pursue publication for my series, and with the self publishing industry, it’s totally possible.
I titled my series “Skip’s Action Series.” I hope you learn to love him as much as I do.
For information, click here.
Treasures in My Spiritual Hope Chest
As I’ve grown and matured spiritually, I realized that one thing was lacking.
I read my Bible faithfully. I spent time in prayer. I never missed a church service. I was always in Sunday school. I served the Lord in various ministries.
But II Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Although I read my Bible, I didn’t know how to study it, and that bothered me tremendously.
I tried time and again to study my Bible, but none of the Bible study books helped and I simply couldn’t figure it out. So one day I asked the Lord to teach me how to study my Bible.
We had just joined a new church and hadn’t been members for two weeks when the music director asked me if I would consider being his wife’s back-up Sunday school teacher.
I promptly accepted. Now his wife taught the ladies SS class, which I took on full time a year later when they moved out of the area.
Preparing SS lessons for an adult class, I learned real fast how to study my Bible, but now I had a purpose and a goal. In addition to preparing and teaching Sunday school lessons for the ladies class, I started writing short devotionals and posting them on my website.
I amassed so many of them that I compiled some of them into a book and published it, thanks to my good friend and sister in Christ, Cheryl Pearson, who also gave me the phenomenal book title, “Treasures in My Spiritual Hope Chest.”
Then I compiled some more of them into Volume 2.
Most of those devotionals are posted right here on my website, which you can read free of charge. And I hope you’ll take the time to read them. But if you’d like a copy of your own that you can take with you everywhere you go, I now have it in paperback form.
For more information on Treasures, click here.